Friday, March 30, 2012

Where's my sunshine?

Today was shaping up to be a gorgeous day, the sun was out in full force, the temp was warm enough for short sleeves. It was great. Took DD and Nephew to see my husband's grandma, and while we were in her house the clouds rolled in and the rain started p o u r i n g like it needed to be filling up glasses and buckets for our next drought. We drove back to Nephew's house and the kiddos laid down for a nap. It is STILL raining. Monsoon season in Washington? The cherry blossoms in Nephew's backyard are drooping from the weight of all this rain. Please mother nature let me have my sunshine back.


  1. We would love some rain here. Enjoying the spring sun at the beach. would love to see cherry blossoms

  2. We had two inches of snow, would you like it mailed UPS or FedEx? :-)

  3. I love this part, "...the rain started pouring like it needed to be filling up glasses and buckets for our next drought." We had rain today as well. I love sleeping to the sound of the rain. It's so peaceful. I'm sure the kiddos had a great nap accompanied by the sound of the rain :)
