Saturday, March 24, 2012

Try as I might

Try as I might to sleep in today I was up and about by 7. My internal clock was blaring, then my bladder joined in and that was the end. Was able to do stuff on the computer and get breakfast for DD before she even woke up. Then once the sun burned off the fog and clouds we all got dressed and went outside. DD played on her swing set, with chalk and on her bike while Husband and I cleaned out the shed in the backyard. It was a project we needed to get done so we can move things from the house out there. And we finished. Hurray for productive Saturday. I bet if I had slept in I wouldn't have felt so productive though.


  1. It's true! Look at all you got done and time with family! I so relate to the bladder blaring. I do confess that this morning I crawled back into bed and caught a few more zzzz's. I love spring break.

  2. You painted a picture of feeling very satisfied with how you spent your time. Bravo!

  3. I always want to sleep in too, but it never seems to happen. I love that feeling of satisfaction of getting my to do list done though.

  4. I thought I would relate to this post by title! However, my internal alarm clock and blaring bladder did not lead to productivity, aside from reading lots of SOLSC posts! My productivity is trying to get rid of a nasty cold, so while my to-do list that would lead to a productive day is sitting on the table beside me, I am savoring these moments on the couch with the windows open and the birds providing me with sweet melodies!

  5. I have had sleep problems for many years now, generally waking up before the dawn. When I start to feel sorry for myself, I count up all that I get done before I have to leave the house - it is come consolation :)

  6. I like how the last line shifts the perspective of it all - seeing how it wasn't such a bad thing after all to get up earlier, rather than later. Having a productive day always feels so good!

  7. It can feel so great to end up with a productive day! Glad yours turned out so nicely!
