Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lunch with the Scorpio Races

So the kids asked me not to make them a fun lunch today because they were very tired. Does that mean tired of trying new foods? Tired of coming up with stories to tell while they eat? Neither of them got enough sleep last night? I have no idea, but they ended up with bologna bagel sandwiches, pretzels, banana slices, carrot sticks and milk to drink.

Made making lunch easy again which gave me time to finish up reading The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater. It was recommended to me by my sister-in-law, Elizabeth (some of you may know her). Well she told me about how it grabbed her from the very beginning and she couldn't put it down until she was done. It's one of those books that makes getting things done very very hard. Well I started it, and I could tell right away I was going to like it, but it didn't grab me the way it grabbed Elizabeth. I'd pick it up, read a couple chapters, put it down, make lunch, check facebook my email etc, make dinner, go home... and then my day would be over. The book would sit there until the next day when the process would repeat itself.

Today I hit the grabbing point for me. It was a little more than halfway through the book and all I wanted to do was read. It's days like this I am very grateful that DD has Nephew to play with and that they have such great imaginations. It also helped that it was a snowy day so we were hunkered in for the whole day except for school. So if you haven't read this book, it comes very highly recommended.


  1. Thanks for the recommendation. Like you, even if a book does not grab me at first...I keep picking away at it hoping at some point it will.

    1. I do that especially if it's been raved about by Elizabeth. She has a pretty firm grasp on what I like to read. And very very rarely let's me down on recommendations.

  2. I so thoroughly enjoy when a book grabs you.

  3. I'll have to check it out. But I'm one who won't continue if it doesn't get me soon. Thanks for letting me know. I hope your kids have a great day tomorrow. Thanks for sharing! Happy Slicing! :)

  4. One of my favorites this year. It's a different type of book but her writing is so gripping. I'm so glad that you liked it...hmmm, what's next...Mockingjay? Fault in the Stars? So many choices.
