Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Skating lessons

I redid the Triangle lunch today. Same sandwich, except it was PB&J today, but I cut up the apples into triangles and they had lots of fun building pyramids with food. It was a good day.

DD and Nephew have been in a beginners ice skating class the past few months and tonight was the last night of their session. Well, DD came off the ice and said "Mommy, I want to keep skating, I really like it, but right now my foot hurts." So we hurried her to a bench and took off her rental skates and helmet and when I turned them in I signed her up for the next lesson. She'll be going on Saturdays now which will be lots more fun because Husband almost never works Saturday mornings so he'll get to watch her skate more.

We have two weeks to use up her free skate passes she got with her lessons, before the next session starts. I guess I know what we're doing over spring break!

Today was much better than yesterday. I appreciate all the "been there" comments. It means a lot to me to know I'm no the only one who goes brain dead sometimes. Happy blogging!


  1. I like the idea of building the apples up to pyramids. :)

  2. Happy skating. Not much time left for skating outside anyway.

  3. Skating... I remember those days...

  4. I like that lunch idea! And isn't it fun when your child finds something she really enjoys doing!
